datelifeSummary of a datelifeResult object of all Felidae species.
datelifeSummary of a datelifeResult object of all Felidae species.
A list of three elements, containing the summary of a datelifeResult object
- phylo_all
List of subset chronograms in phylo format
- taxon_distribution
A data frame with taxon presence across subset chronograms
- absent_taxa
A dataframe with names of taxon not found in any chronogram
Generated with: felid_spp <- make_datelife_query(input = "felidae", get_spp_from_taxon = TRUE) felid_gdr <- get_datelife_result(input = felid_spp, get_spp_from_taxon = TRUE) felid_gdr_phylo_all <- summarize_datelife_result(datelife_result = felid_gdr, taxon_summary = "summary", summary_format = "phylo_all", datelife_query = felid_spp) usethis::use_data(felid_gdr_phylo_all)