Generate uncertainty in branch lengths using a lognormal.
Generate uncertainty in branch lengths using a lognormal.
size = 100,
uncertainty_method = "other",
age_distribution = "uniform",
age_sd = NULL,
age_var = 0.1,
age_scale = 0,
alpha = 0.025,
rescale = TRUE
- phy
object.- size
A numeric vector indicating the number of samples to be generated.
- uncertainty_method
A character vector specifying the method to generate uncertainty. mrbayes is default.
- age_distribution
A character string specifying the type of calibration. Only "fixed" and "uniform" are implemented for now.
- fixed
The age given in ncalibration will be used as fixed age.
- lognormal
The age given in ncalibration will be used as mean age. The standard deviation can be provided. # still need to add this option. By default, a 95 CI sd is used.
- uniform
The age given in ncalibration will be used as mean age. Where min_age = 0.9 * mean age, and max_age = 1.1 * mean age.
- age_sd
The standard deviation around the age to use for generating the uncertainty. If not a numeric value, var will be used to calculate it.
- age_var
The variance to calculate age_sd and generate uncertainty.
- age_scale
How to scale sd by the depth of the node. If 0, same sd for all. If not, older nodes have more uncertainty
- alpha
The significance level on uncertainty to generate. By default 0.025
- rescale
Boolean. If true, observed age will be rescaled each round.
If you want to change the size of sampled trees you do not need to run mrbayes again. Just use sample_trees("mrbayes_trees_file_directory", size = new_size) and you will get a multiPhylo object with a new tree sample.
if (FALSE) {
# Generate uncertainty over feline species SDM chronogram.
# Load the data:
# By default, generates a sample of 100 trees with var = 0.1:
unc <- phylo_generate_uncertainty(felid_sdm$phy)
# Make an LTT plot:
max_age <- max(sapply(unc, ape::branching.times))
ape::ltt.plot(phy = unc[[1]], xlim = c(-max_age, 0), col = "#cce5ff50")
for (i in 2:100) {
ape::ltt.lines(phy = unc[[i]], col = "#cce5ff50")
ape::ltt.lines(felid_sdm$phy, col = "red")
title(c("fake uncertainty", "in Felidae SDM chronogram"))
} # end dontrun